Sunday, January 26, 2025

Ethnic Cleansing

I have just seen the most insensitive and insulting suggestion. Newly inaugurated President Trump wants to move the entire Palestinian population out of their homeland. There is a name for this. It is ethnic cleansing and plays directly into the hands of the extremist Zionist Israelis who want to annexe and occupy the whole of Palestinian lands.

This does not bode well for the future. Instead of pushing for the two state solution which is the only possible basis for peace in the Middle East (and incidentally is official US foreign policy), we have a push for ethnic cleansing!

Thursday, January 16, 2025


 The latest news from friends in Damascus is as follows:""The situation is bad at all levels, even mu8ch worses in the government...

Now they are trying to convert us (the Christians) as they are spreading posters about Islam and how one should be dressed and they are clashing with us."

Sunday, January 05, 2025

Hyposcrisy: the Official narrative v reality on the ground

 When is a terrorist no longer a terrorist?

You guessed it. When the US says so.

Image consultants must have been busy. In under a week the leader of this "new administration" has graduated from terrorist garb to suit and tie. First of all to harangue in the streets it was with all the accoutrements of his status up to then. A day or so later to harague in the Great mosque in Damascus it was military fatigues - spanking new. Then to meet some of the "dignitaries" fro surrounding countries it was trousers and a jacket and now, as the representatives of our hypocritical governments clamour to render homage to the new incumbent (and see what piece of the cake they can get), it is a suit with a green tie as a symbol of his Islamic status.

Here are some testimonies from people in Damascus. I am not giving any names here for obvious reasons.

"We still have no electricity. it is even worse than before. We have it for 2 hours a day only!!! Sometimes less...

You walk in the streets and find masked men, strange people from Afghanistan, Chechenia... They are a completely alien component to our society.They have met with our priests and told them that we will be safe and yet they are saying that schools and universities will be divided by gender!!! So males should not mix with females.

They have burned the Christmas tree in Hama... and yet they are being so nice because they need to be nice to America.

We have robberies, crimes,,, no policemen, no traffic policemen...

You can see kids holding guns. They let all the criminals out of the jails!"

"If it weren't for my mother I would have packed up and left immediately."

The Christian population of Syria used to be around 10%. Now they say it is 2% but...

"Actually we are now around 1%. Now I am sure this number will decrease... We are all waiting. I think they have succeeded in their plans or emptying Syria of its original components so that division would be easier as well..!

"I think the country will be divided along religious/tribal borders to make sure Syria becomes irrelevant and it will probably become part of history. I think Syria will be divided between the US and Turkey and Israel will take all Syria's oil, gas..."

Israel has already occupied the Golan heights and built a road to the peak of Mount Hermon. They are also in Quneitra and in the past few days have made over 400 sorties into the coubntry.

The archeological artefacts have ben looted from Bosra, that amazing Roman city. 

What else is there to say? I makes me sick to the pit of my stomach to see the hypocrisy of governments.